Business Law & Commercial Advice

Teddington works alongside you to understand your business goals and objectives and assist you in achieving
successful commercial solutions. If you have Customers, Employees, Suppliers, Property and/or Assets;
Teddington can assist you achieve your business goals and mitigate your risk.”

Whether a new business start-up, an existing business experiencing growth or a mature business looking for
succession planning, appropriate advice and documentation is key to mitigating risk and
getting you the result you want.

Outsource your In-House Counsel and take advantage of great strategic legal advice to underpin your operational objectives.

You either love them or hate them. We love them, whether you need assistance reviewing, drafting or negotiating them we can help.

For overseas companies looking to establish an Australian entity, it is a regulatory requirement that they appoint a Resident Director.

In the highly regulated and closely scrutinized gaming industry, navigating the environment is key to success.

Managing employees is a fine balance of art and science and Teddington is well versed to help you stay on top of changing employment laws, regulations and practices.

Choosing an appropriate structure for your business can be a confusing jumble of legalese.

Buying and selling a business is by no means easy – it is both an art and a science.

Cyber crime is a growing risk to businesses of all size, appropriate risk mitigation strategies are essential in today’s market.

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